SOP for Environment monitoring

The quality of products manufactured in a pharmaceutical company depends on the environmental conditions provided during it’s manufacturing. Pharmaceutical products are highly sensitive to the temperature and humidity of the premise where they are being manufactured or stored. Most of the ingredients and excipients used in the manufacturing process are hygroscopic in nature those can change their physical and chemical properties on exposure to adverse environmental conditions. Therefore, it is very essential to maintain environmental conditions in the acceptance criteria. A properly written document is required to follow for environment conditions monitoring, to meet the objective a valid SOP for Environment Monitoring is required. 

PURPOSE: To establish a practical working procedure for Environment Monitoring.


ACCOUNTABILITY:  Production Manager

SCOPE: The procedure of this SOP shall be applicable to the Production Department of Digital Vision Kala Amb.


Record the temperature & humidity in the environment monitoring chart.

Regulate the A/C of the Dehumidifier if the temperature of a particular area is out of the prescribed limit.

The limit is specified below:

PRODUCTION AREA:                                                                            

   Area                                                                        Temperature                   Humidity

Mixing Granulation & Drying                                    28-29O
C                           70% Max.

Blending, Compression                                              25-27O
C                           40-45%

Capsulation, Powder, Dry Syrup                                23-25O
C                           40-45%

Beta-Lactum Capsules, Tablets                                  23-27O
C                           40-45%

Film Coating                                                               25-27O
C                           50-55%

Corridors                                                                    25-27O
C                           70% Max

STORE AREA :                 

AREA                                                TEMP                RH

              Beta Lactum                                       25-27O
C         50% Max
              Capsules & Sensitive
Materials         25-27O C         50% Max
              Other products                                     30O
C               70%


AREA                                                        TEMP.                RH.

Instrument room
& Microbiology room      25-27O C         50% Max

                      Chemical Laboratory                                     28-30O
C         70% Max

                      Quarantine & Control
Sample Room             25-27O C         50%

                      Liquid Mfg. & Bottle
Washing                      28-29O C         70%

                      Ointment & Lotions                                       25-27O
C         50-55%

Record the result in the following format

            Record the result in the following format


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