SOP for Rodents Insects & Birds control in Production


The production area is one of the most sensitive areas in a Pharmaceutical manufacturing company. This area requires the highest level of cleanliness and free from rodents, insects, and birds. Any living body (rodents, Insects, rats, bats, and birds) in the manufacturing area can cause serious implications for the quality of products being manufactured in that area. It is very necessary to maintain this area free from any such elements. To ensure the absence of these live elements a proper valid pest control SOP is followed. Procedures and precautions should be entered in the SOP for Rodents Insects & Birds control in the Production area.

sop-for-rodents-birds -control

Also Read : Principle of HPLC

SOP for Rodents, Insects & Birds control in Production:

PURPOSE: To lay down the procedure of control of rodents, insects, and birds to be carried out by the approved contractor.


ACCOUNTABILITY: Production Manager/ Q A Manager.

SCOPE: The procedure of this SOP shall be applicable to the Production Department of the XYZ Pharma company.


1 The approved contractor is debuted for the control of birds, rodents, and insects by applying the chemical. Birds repellents, net sieves repellents i.e. UV light repellent, modern flycatcher, door nets are fixed on all entries of the production area. 

2 For insect control, the company has provided a double door entry and exit facility, one door consists of wire mesh, and the second door is made of GMP sheets & glass, Auto door closer is provided in every door.

3 Proper Curtains have been installed on Entry doors to protect against any entry of insects.

4 The deputed contractor visits twice a month or whenever need to review the situation.

5 The proper disinfectants and phenyl mopping is done twice a day with different infections.  

6 Savlon and Dettol are regularly used in mopping on scheduled days. 


The production area should be free from any food items, food items attract many small insects. There should not allow any food items inside the production area. Proper rat-repulsive equipment should be installed near-production area. Shelters and Harborage should not allow development in the area. Regular fumigation practice also proved very helpful to maintain areas free from pests. The pest control program is very common in pharma companies. 

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