SOP for Preparation of Sanitizing Solution

Sanitization of the Production area in a Pharmaceutical manufacturing company is a very crucial job that requires a high degree of alertness. The same precaution is necessary to prepare the sanitizing solution to perform sanitization. The concentration of the sanitizing solution is very important to achieve the desired goals. To achieve the right goal of sanitization an SOP for the preparation of Sanitizing solution is very necessary.  

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SOP for Preparation of Sanitizing Solution

PURPOSE:  To establish an appropriate Method for the Preparation of the Sanitizing Solution.


ACCOUNTABILITY: Production Manager

SCOPE: The procedure of this SOP shall be applicable to the Production Department of the XYZ Pharma company.

Procedure for Preparation of Sanitizing solution:

5.1 Preparation of Sanitizing Solution

5.1.1    70% Isopropyl Alcohol in D. M. water.

5.1.2 Take 700ml IPA in a measuring cylinder.  add an adequate amount of D.M.water to make the volume up to a 1.0-Liter solution.

5.1.3    2% Savlon solution in D.M water.

5.1.4 Put 20ml of Savlon Solution in a measuring cylinder, drop it 1000 ml volumetric flask, add DM water to make it 1 liter. 

5.1.5 2% Dettol solution in D M water

5.1.6 Take 20ml Dettol Solution in a measuring cylinder and make 1.0 liter using DM water.

5.1.7    5% Phenol solution in DM water. warm up the bottle containing Phenol in a water bath until it melts completely. Measure 50ml liquified Phenol and add remaining DM water to make up volume up to 1.0 liters. 

5.1.8    4% v/v Hydrogen Peroxide solution in Distilled water Measure 40 ml Hydrogen Peroxide in a cylinder, add an adequate quantity of distilled water to its volume of 1.0 liter.

2% v/v Benzalkonium Chloride solution in Distilled water Take 20ml Benzalkonium Chloride in a measuring cylinder and add distilled water to it to make up the volume 1.0 liters.

2% v/v Glyceraldehyde solution in Distilled water’ Take 20ml Glyceraldehyde in a measuring cylinder and add distilled water to make volume 1.0 liters.

Note: All these preparations are prepared in the third airlock.


Before doing the whole process wear proper Gloves, Masks & Goggles then prepare the sanitizing solution.

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