UV-Visible Spectrophotometer SOP, Calibration and Advantages

SOP, Calibration, and features of UV-Visible Spectrophotometer


UV-Visible Spectrophotometry is an analytical technique that is widely used in the
pharmaceutical industry for qualitative and quantitative analysis of
substances. It works by measuring the intensity of light passing through the
prepared sample solution and provides information about the absorption of
light. The value of absorption of light by the sample shows the quantity and
identification of substances present in the solution. It is a very important
instrument in the laboratory for analysis purposes and regulatory compliance. 

There are many
UV-Visible spectrophotometers brands popular in the pharmaceutical industry.
Mainly single beam and double-beam machines are used in the pharma industry.
Shimadzu, Systronics, and Agilent are the most popular brands in India. 

UV-Visible Spectrophotometer: SOP, Calibration and Advantages

Principle of
UV-Visible Spectrophotometer

spectrophotometer is based on the law of absorption of light. A light of a
specific wavelength is passed through a sample solution. A portion of the light
is absorbed by the substance present/dissolved in the solution. The amount of
light absorbed is directly proportional to the concentration of the substance
in the solution. The amount of substance is determined by measuring a known
concentration standard solution of the same substance that is being

How UV-Visible
Spectrophotometers Works?

The instrument UV-
Visible spectrophotometer works according to Beer-Lambert Law. It measures the
intensity of the light passed through a sample solution filled in a cuvette.
Then compares it to the same light intensity passed through the standard

According to
Beer-Lambert law absorbance of light is directly proportional to the
concentration present in the solution and path length. The instrument first
passes the light through the sample and then measures the absorbed light. 

SOP for UV-Visible

UV-1800 UV-VIS
spectrophotometer has been designed in accordance with the United States,
Japanese, and European Pharmacopoeia and is very user-friendly in features, the
UV-1800 can be used either as a stand-alone instrument or as a PC-controlled

1.0         Objective: To lay down a procedure for
Calibration and operation of UV spectrophotometer Model No. UV-1800, make

2.0         Scope: This procedure is applicable to
the Quality Control Department of XYZ Pharmaceuticals

3.0         Responsibility

3.1         Quality Control Officer/Executive.

3.2         Quality Control Manager.

4.0         Accountability

4.1         QA Manager

5.0         Procedure:

General Cleaning:

Ensure that power
to the instrument is switched off. Clean the outer surface of the instrument
with a dry cloth. If required, wipe with a cloth soaked in a good quality
detergent. Subsequently, wipe with a piece of dry cloth.


(1) Switch on the
instrument from the mains and wait for Initialization.

(2) After
completion of Initialization the instrument shows a different (mode MENU) on
the screen.

(3) Login –User
Name – administration

(4) Input password
– Enter (If any)

(5) Select number 8
(Utilities) from MODE MENU, details will appear on the screen, Select the F3
key and press number 2 (instrument baseline correction) and wait for 15 minutes
till baseline correction is over and press again numerical key 1 for select photometric.

(6) After baseline
correction is over press the (Return) key and then the (Mode MENU) key. Now
press key number 1, and (Photometric) details will appear on the screen.

(7) Press (gotoWL)
for the required wavelength using the numerical key by pressing key (F1),
%T/Abs as per requirement %T stands for percentage transmittance and Abs stands
for absorbance.

(8) Place the cells
filled with diluents into the cell holder and press (Auto zero) key. Fill the
front cell with the test solution and measure the %T/Abs as per the requirement

(9) Clean the
cuvette in between the sample or standards by washing it with the diluents and
rinsing it with the corresponding standards and samples.

(10) After the
analysis, clean the cuvette thoroughly, press the (Start/Stop) key, and switch
off the instrument. Subsequently, switch off the respective main supply.

Calibration of
UV-Visible Spectrophotometer

is very important to calibrate the UV-Visible Spectrophotometer for consistent
and precise analytical results. It is a sensitive
instrument that requires a high level of alertness and regular calibration. You
can follow the below steps to calibrate the instrument. 

(i) To check the
correction of the absorbance readings generated by the spectrophotometer, the
spectrophotometer needs to be calibrated. In a UV-Visible spectrophotometer,
calibration is required for wavelength and absorbance.

(ii) Control of

(iii) Check with
Holmium Filter: Verify the scale using the absorption maxima of the Holmium
filter. Peaks should be seen at 240.15nm, 287.15nm 361.5nm, and 536.3nm. The
permitted tolerance is ± 1nm for the ultraviolet range and ± 3nm for the
visible range.

(iv) Control of
Absorbance Value: this can be checked by measuring the absorbance of potassium
dichromate solution at the wavelengths indicated in the following table, which
gives for each wavelength the exact value of A (1%, 1cm) and the permissible
limits. The tolerance for the absorbance is ±0.01.

Wavelength (nm)

A (1%, 1cm)

Maximum Tolerance



122.9 to 126.2



142.8 to 146.2



47.0 to 50.3



105.6 to 109.0



15.7 to 16.1

 (v) Preparation of 0.005M Sulphuric acid:
Dilute 2.8 ml of the sulphuric acid to 100 ml with diluted water and mix.
Pipette out 10ml and make up the volume of 1000 ml.

(vi) Potassium
Dichromate solution: Dry a quantity of potassium dichromate to constant weight
at 1300C. Weigh accurately 57.0 to 63.0 mg and dissolve it in sufficient 0.005M
sulphuric acid to produce 1000ml.

(vii) Potassium
Dichromate solution (430nm): Dry a quantity of potassium dichromate to constant
weight at 1300C. Weigh accurately 57.0 to 63.0 mg and dissolve it in sufficient
0.005M sulphuric acid to produce 100ml.

(viii) Calculation
of A (1%, 1cm)

A (1%, 1cm) at a
particular wavelength is calculated as follows;

of the solution at that wavelength

A (1%, 1cm) =

concentration of the solution

(ix) Limit of Stray
Light (1.2%w/v potassium chloride solution): transfer an accurate 1.2g of
potassium chloride in 100ml volumetric flask, add about 80 ml distilled water,
shake to dissolve, and make up the volume up to the mark with distilled water,
and mix. The absorbance of the solution at a 200nm of path length 1cm should be
greater than 2.0.

(x) Resolution
(0.02% v/v toluene in n-hexane): Transfer an accurate 2.0ml of toluene in 100ml
volumetric flask, add about 80mlof n-hexane, mix properly, and make up the
volume up to the mark with n-hexane. Dilute 1ml of this solution to 100ml with
n-hexane, and check the ratio of absorbance of the solution at maximum at about
269nm to that at the minimum at about 266nm it should not be less than 1.5.

(xi) Record the
observation in the calibration report.

Every three months.


(1) Switch OFF the
mains of the Instrument (Unplug the switch).

(2) Allow the oven
to cool down to room temp if hot.


Safety Precautions

(1) Cuvette should
be kept dry and clean place.

(2) Silica should
be kept in the cabinet to absorb the moisture.

(3) Silica gel
should be blue and dry.

(4) Ensure that
electricity should not interrupt during analysis.


        SOP:           Standard
Operating Procedure

        QC:           Quality

        min:           Minute

:           Centimeter

:           Milliliter

        Sec:           Second.

        %:          Percentage

:          Nanometer

:          millimeter

      0C               :
        degree centigrade

 Top 5 UV-Visible
Spectrophotometers in India

In India, many
brands of UV-visible spectrophotometers are used in pharmaceutical companies.
Some top-selling and well-known products are listed below:

Shimadzu: It is a
well-known brand with multiple models in the UV-Visible spectrophotometer
segment. It has the most trusted brand in this field. In early 2000 Shimadzu
1600 was the top-selling product by the company. Models provided by this brand
are as

  • UV-1600
  • Uv-1700
  • UV-1800
  • UV-1900i
  • UV-2600i
  • UV-3600i

are some differences between the Shimadzu UV-1900i and UV-2600i models:

  1. The Shimadzu
    UV-2600i has a wider wavelength range of 185-900 nm compared to the Shimadzu
    UV-1900i which has a range of 190-1100 nm.
  2. As per Shimadzu’sofficial website “The UV-1900i is a double-beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
    using Shimadzu’s original LO-RAY-LIGH™ diffraction grating technology. This
    product is equipped with LabSolutions UV-Vis software. The compact UV-2600i
    (UV-2700i) is a mid-range UV spectrophotometer that can be used in a wide array
    of fields, and easily expanded to suit your analysis goals”. 
  3. The Shimadzu
    UV-2600i has a better stray light rejection of less than 0.00005%T at 220 nm
    compared to the Shimadzu UV-1900i which has a rejection of less than 0.0001%T
    at 340 nm.

Systronics is an Indian company that is involved in the manufacturing of
UV-Visible Spectrophotometers at low cost in comparison to Shimadzu and
Agilent. The company used to make the models of the following products:

  • UV-166
  • UV-166 Plus
  • UV-2201

are some differences between the Systronics 166 and 166 Plus models:

  1. The Systronics 166
    Plus has a wider wavelength range of 190-1100 nm compared to the Systronics 166
    which has a range of 340-960 nm.
  2. The Systronics 166
    Plus has a higher resolution of 0.1 nm compared to the Systronics 166 which has
    a resolution of 1 nm.
  3. The Systronics 166
    Plus has a better stray light rejection of less than 0.05%T at 220 nm compared
    to the Systronics 166 which has a rejection of less than 0.1%T at 340 nm.

Agilent: Agilent
is an American brand in this segment that has some good products. Cary 60
UV-Vis and Cary 8454 UV-Vis are top models by the company.

Trulab India:
It offers a wide range of UV-Visible spectrophotometers that includes T700 Vis
Pro, it is a double beam UV vis with 8 cell holders.

LabIndia: Labindia
manufactures a unique product 3092 UV-Visible
Spectrophotometers that have stray light 0.01% T. (220 nm Nal, 340nm NaNO2)
& Photometric Range -4.0 – 4.0Abs)

 Advantages and
Limitations of UV-Visible Spectrophotometer

The UV-Visible
spectrophotometer is a widely used analytical instrument that is very efficient
for qualitative and quantitative analysis of drug molecules in the
pharmaceutical industry. It measures the absorbance and transmittance of light
in the UV and Vis range of the electromagnetic spectrum. It has many advantages
and some limitations in the field of the analytical industry.


Versatility: It is
a versatile technique that can test a wide range of molecules. 

Sensitivity: It is
a high-level sensitive instrument that can measure the trace level of substance
present in the testing solution.

Speed: UV-Visible
spectrophotometer is a fast testing technique in comparison to liquid
chromatography and gas chromatography technologies. It provides readings in

Quantitative: It is
a quantitative technique that is used to determine the quantity of analyte in the

Cost Effective: It
is a very cost-effective technique compared to HPLC and GC techniques. The cost
of reagents is very low and economical for laboratories. 


It provides limited information about the analyte like absorbance
or transmittance of light. It can not provide information about the chemical
structure and molecular information.

Not Auto
calculation option:
UV-Visible Spectrophotometer does not provide the result
after completer calculation. It provides the absorbance values that must be put
in an equational formula to get the exact analytical results.

In multiple compounds analysis it lacks the accuracy level
because some compounds present in the sample interfere with the absorbance. It
can lead to inaccurate results. 

Range Limitations:
It has limitations in terms of detection range. Usually, instruments available
in the market do not have the full detection range capacity. Therefore, some
compounds may not absorb light in available UV-Visible regions. 


UV-Visible is a versatile instrument in the laboratory, no pharma lab is understood to be complete without UV-Visible. It is the backbone of any laboratory. The calibration of a UV
spectrophotometer is a very essential practice for every laboratory
to ensure testing results are valid. UV-VIS spectrophotometer calibration
should perform every 3 months to avoid any testing error by the machine. These
days very high-end technology apparatus have come in the market, they are also
very sensitive in operation so their frequent calibration check is very


  1. UV-Visible Spectrophotometry of Water and Wastewater” edited by Olivier Thomas and Christopher Burgess, published by Elsevier in 2017.

  2. “Principles of Instrumental Analysis” by Douglas A. Skoog, F. James Holler, and Stanley R. Crouch, published by Cengage Learning, 2017. [https://www.chemcome.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Principles-of-Instrumental-Analysis-7th-edition-Skoog-by-Douglas-A.-Skoog-F.-James-Holler-Stanley-R.-Crouch-z-lib.org_.pdf]

  3. UV-Visible Spectrophotometry: An Introduction for Beginners” by David G. Watson, published by Royal Society of Chemistry, 2005.

  4. “Advantages and Limitations of UV-Visible Spectrophotometry” by Patience A. Agada and Charles O. Nwachukwu, published in the Journal of Chemical Society of Nigeria, Vol. 35, No. 2, 2010, pp. 48-54.

  5. “Validation of UV-Visible Spectrophotometer for Analysis of Pharmaceutical Products” by M. K. Jaiswal and S. S. Talele, published in the Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, Vol. 3, No. 5, 2013, pp. 40-45.

  6. Operating Procedure for UV-Vis Spectroscope:- [https://mse.washington.edu/files/research/SOP_UVVis.pdf]

  7. The user manual of UV- spectrophotometer UV-1800 [SHIMADZU]






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