Tag plant

Pharma plant required area according to Schedule-M

Pharmaceutical companies are a highly regulated industry in India, it’s not easy to start a manufacturing company like other non-regulated industries. The construction of the building requires a high level of guidance following the Schedule-M norms. The layout of the…

Pharma Plant Setup consultant for all over India.

 Pharma Plant Setup consultant all over India. Laafon Galaxy provides pharma plant setup scientific consultancy for all of India. It has a team of technical experts in the field of pharma plant setup. The company provides every service for pharmaceutical…

Small Pharma unit for sale in Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand is the new destination for all pharmaceutical manufacturing and marketing companies. There are a good number of industrial areas where thousands of pharma companies are working successfully. Roorkee, Haridwar, Kotdwar, and Selaqui (Dehradun) are major cities for the pharmaceutical…